Paar is a VR dance film split between a physical world and virtual world.
Filmed at the Tieranatomisches Theater, and set to an ambient sonic landscape by the artist Arushi Jain, Paar uses 360 video together with motion capture technology for an immersive experience. Audience members are taken through a seven minute sonic and cinematic adventure where they get to stand, bear witness and interact with the dancers’ journey. The choreography and direction is devised by dance artist Carly Lave with support by Dr. Christian Stein, cofounder of
Premiere: 9. Juni, 7 – 9 p.m.
Free admission.
There will be VR headsets placed throughout the theater. The film is 8 minutes and accessible to all audiences.

Direction + Choreography: Carly Lave
Conceptual & Technical Direction: Dr. Christian Stein,
Dancers: Sean Nederlof, Yasmin Schönnman
Sound: Zid von Arushi Jain, GHUNGHRU Sounds
Costumes: Marina Stillger
Motion Capture Technology (Production): James Hudson
Motion Capture Technology (Post-Production): Alvis Misjuns
Virtual Architecture and Video Editor: Valentin Hanau
Avatar Design: Will Atwood
Photography + Videography (2D): Jorge Duarte